Nabi-nabi (All Resources)

2 Video results for: Nabi-nabi

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Penyataan-Penyataan bagi Orang Bijak

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-HOS

Focuses on how Hosea designed his book to impart wisdom to God's ancient people and explores the revelations that Hosea included in each major division of his book.

From the series: Hikmat Nubuat Hosea, Lesson 2

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Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Nabi-nabi

Pengantar Kitab Hosea

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-HOS

Introduces the background of the prophet Hosea and his book, and provides an overview of the book's content and structure.

From the series: Hikmat Nubuat Hosea, Lesson 1

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Nabi-nabi

0 Article results for: Nabi-nabi
3 Q&A results for: Nabi-nabi

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Apa signifikansi anak-anak Hosea?

Dapatkah anda jelaskan secara singkat signifikansi anak-anak Hosea?

Topics: Nabi-nabiInterpretasi

Mengapa Allah membunuh istri Yehezkiel?

Mengapa Allah membunuh istri Yehezkiel?

Topics: Nabi-nabiInterpretasi

Mengapa Sang Mesias haruslah seorang keturunan Daud?

Mengapa Sang Mesias haruslah seorang keturunan Daud?

Topics: KristusInterpretasiNabi-nabi

0 Audio results for: Nabi-nabi

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