Pentateukh (All Resources)

13 Video results for: Pentateukh

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 Kehidupan Abraham: Makna Aslinya

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-PEN

(Lesson 2 of Bapa Abraham) Explores the original impact these stories were intended to have on the nation of Israel as they followed Moses toward the Promised Land.

From the series: Pentateukh, Lesson 7

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Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pentateukh

 Dunia yang Penuh Kekerasan

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-PEN

(Lesson 3 of Sejarah Purba) Examines Genesis 4:1-6:8, describing how human beings began to fill the world with violence, and how God reacted to those troubles.

From the series: Pentateukh, Lesson 4

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Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pentateukh

 Kehidupan Abraham: Penerapan Modern

Instructor: Multiple Instructors-PEN

(Lesson 3 of Bapa Abraham) Concentrates on responsible ways to draw modern applications from the chapters in Genesis that speak of Abraham.

From the series: Pentateukh, Lesson 8

Watch/Download:  High  Standard 
Audio:  MP3 
Manuscript:  Word  PDF 
Lesson Guide:  Word  PDF 

Topics: Pentateukh

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31 Q&A results for: Pentateukh

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Apakah Air Bah Nuh Universal atau Hanya Regional?

Apakah Air Bah Nuh Universal atau Hanya Regional?

Topics: PentateukhInterpretasi

Perintah(-perintah) apa saja yang Adam langgar saat Kejatuhan?

Perintah(-perintah) apa saja yang Adam langgar saat Kejatuhan?

Topics: PentateukhManusiaInterpretasi

0 Audio results for: Pentateukh

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