Kitab Yosua

Examine the period of Israel's history from the conquest of Canaan to just after Joshua's death, including God's promise to be with Joshua in all that he did.

Mengenai Seri Pelajaran ini

Instruktur: Multiple Instructors-JOS
Disiplin: Old Testament
Grup Kelas: Historical Books
Mengunduh: Materi-Materi Kelas

The book of Joshua covers the period of Israel's history from the conquest of Canaan to just after Joshua's death. Although certain events in the book can leave modern audiences feeling more than a little uncomfortable, it helps to remember that God promised to be with Joshua in all that he did, especially in leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, establishing Israel's tribal inheritances, and calling God's people to remain faithful to the terms of God's covenant.

Sasaran-Sasaran Seri ini:

  • Introduce viewers to the background, purpose and design of the book of Joshua
  • Examine the primary events and major themes in the book of Joshua in relation to their original meaning and Christian application
  • PelajaranForum

    Kitab Yosua:Pengantar Kitab Yosua

    Introduces the book of Joshua, including what it meant for its original audience and what it means for us today.

  • PelajaranForum

    Kitab Yosua:Kemenangan Gemilang

    Addresses the original audience's challenges associated with warfare by drawing attention to Israel's extensive victory over the land of Canaan.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Kitab Yosua:Warisan Kesukuan

    Explores how Joshua called the people of Israel to live together as heirs of the Promised Land.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Kitab Yosua:Kesetiaan pada Perjanjian

    Reveals the significance of Israel's call to be faithful to the terms of their covenant with God.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )