Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita

Examine the role and function of biblical prophecy and learn how to responsibly interpret and apply that prophecy to the modern world.

Mengenai Seri Pelajaran ini

Instruktur: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
Disiplin: Old Testament
Grup Kelas: Hermeneutics
Mengunduh: Materi-Materi Kelas

Prophecy is both exciting and frustrating. Most Christians are intrigued by biblical predictions, but at a loss when it comes to understanding them. Feeling overwhelmed by its complicated history and literature, we often disregard this part of the Bible.

But God did not give us prophecy just so that we would ignore it. And prophecy is extremely valuable to us when we interpret it rightly. When we understand the prophets' motivations and methods, we are better equipped to discover the significance of their words for today.

Sasaran-Sasaran Seri ini:

  • Explain the role of prophecy throughout the Bible.
  • Survey the major genres and functions of biblical prophecy.
  • Provide a biblical, responsible method for interpreting prophecy and applying it in the modern world.
  • PelajaranForum

    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Perspektif Dasar Hermeneutika

    Explores the confusion about prophecy, a prophet's experience, original meaning and New Testament perspectives on Old Testament prophecy.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Pekerjaan Seorang Nabi

    Explores the job titles, transitions and expectations of a prophet.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Umat Perjanjian

    Examines humanity and covenant, Israel and covenant as well as salvation and covenant.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
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    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Dinamika Perjanjian

    Explores covenant ideals, judgments and blessings.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
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    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Analisis Historis Terhadap Nubuat

    Examines how Old Testament history provides the context for properly understanding Old Testament prophecy.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Analisis Sastra Terhadap Kitab Nabi-Nabi

    Examines three different kinds of literature within Old Testament prophecy: historical narratives, communication with God and communication with people.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
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    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Tujuan Nubuat

    Explores four topics related to prophetic words about the future: God's sovereignty, human contingencies, degrees of certainty, and desired outcomes.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )
  • PelajaranForum

    Ia Memberikan Para Nabi Kepada Kita:Perkembangan Eskatologi

    Focuses on how prophetic eschatology developed through the historical periods of: Moses, the early prophets, the later prophets, and the New Testament.

    • Mengunduh Audio ( MP3 )
    • Mengunduh Manuskrip ( Word  PDF )
    • Mengunduh Petunjuk Pelajaran ( Word  PDF )